Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 47

Ok- so I just spent a lot of time posting a bunch of pictures and for some reason this is the only one that posted. i will try again later. Anyway- today has been such a good day! I got to spend some time with two of my friends, my neighbor and Diana (the only reason i don't give my neighbor's name is because i have no idea how to spell it in english). Then Sean and I went for a walk while the electricity was off. After we had finished our errands we still had some time so we stopped into the sushi place for a few minutes. The Lord is so good! I talked with a waitress there for some time and she wants to get together again so we can talk about the Bible. She is was raised "Christian" but hasn't been to church in a long time. I am so excited about being able to spend some time with her. Please pray for her... her name is Reenee. Because I will be in Tyre the majority of the time, it is going to be difficult to spend a lot of time with her. Please pray that the Lord will guide us on how and where He wants us to spend the next few weeks. It seems like our time is going so fast and there is so much we still want to do! So many people we want to spend time with. It will be hard to leave. Thankfully we know that we plant seeds, but it is the Lord who will make them grow. I am so thankful to know that it is not based on my ability... but instead on our God who is Mighty to save!

Sean's afterthoughts: As you may be able to tell from Jess' comments, this was a good day.  It is a blessing of Providence when a conversation almost immediately turns to matters of faith and especially without some of the contrived and awkward segue ways.  I love it! 

Yesterday was an interesting day.  The Dunkin' Donuts close to the University is giving away free coffee in the mornings.  The condition is that you have to scream "I love Dunkin' Donuts coffee!".  They also have a video camera for the occasion.  It was worth it.  Brewed coffee is a rare treat and mine was freeeeeee!  The funny part was that later on that day I had to go to the local grocery.  There was a Nescafe (instant coffee) stand which was giving away small cups of Nescafe.  I gladly took my free cup and went about my business.  On the way out, I was asked by the Nescafe people if they could take my picture.  I happily did so as I drank my second cup of Nescafe.  This was in addition to the early DD coffee and other caffeinated goodies.  Today, I refrained from any caffeine after about 09:00.  Rough!  In any case, I am the new posterboy for coffee in Lebanon.  I'll follow up with a website.

For those interested in more spiritual matters, let me tell you that the Lord is stretching little introvert me.  In this place, relationships are key to sharing the gospel.  The mass evangelism and shotgun approach to sharing the truth of Christ will not work here.  You have to be intentional about building relationships and as honest as possible about your intentions.  Jess described the time at the sushi restaurant.  This was a relationship with one person who, after much has been invested, may or may not believe in Christ.  It is not distributing 500 Bibles on a college campus and weighing the odds that at least 10% will be saved through your efforts.  It is taking the time to articulate gospel truths and explain how this is lived out through a life changed by Christ.  It is walking through the streets and praying for opportunities to honor Christ through a providential encounter like the one at the restaurant.  There are seasons of much labor with little fruit to show for the work.  But, in the end, you have entertained angels as you speak openly and often of God's grace.  You have walked in obedience to the "great commission" given by our Lord and Savior.  We have shown that God really is who He says that He is and has done all that He said He will do.  In addition, maybe one more saint will be added to heaven's role.  Ahhhhhhh, God is so good.

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